
Friday, May 9, 2014

Smile and they will think You are Smarter

Want People to Think You Are Smart?

Smile !

This is what I’ve learned from an article I read from Christopher Ingraham

People think they can tell how smart you are by looking at you….

Researchers had 40 men and 40 women take a standard intelligence test. They then photographed the subject’s faces telling them to use a neutral ‘non-smiling’ expression and not to wear cosmetics or jewelry.

Next they had 160 strangers review the photographs. Half of the reviews rated the photos according to how smart the subjects looked, and the other half according to their attractiveness.

The researchers found a strong relationship between how attractive the people were and the assumption of intelligence….. The more attractive the smarter they thought they were…. Especially with the females.

There was a significant difference in gender perceived intelligence and actual intelligence. They were pretty good at guessing the intelligence of the men, but were lost when guessing which were the smart women. Therefore judging on intelligence rather than attractiveness seems to be not as well practiced.

When researchers compared attractiveness of various subjects with their IQ scores they found no relationship at all. They said that it suggest there is absolutely no connection between brains and beauty,

So, what do you think? Even though there is no real connection between beauty and brains, opinions are formed… having real consequences.
All this to say that research did suggest one thing that everyone can do to boost other’s assessment of our intelligence—— Smile !

Because there also seems to be a correlation between the outward appearance of emotions such as joy or anger to the perceptions of high or low intelligence. Suggesting that High intelligence faces seem to smile more than low intelligent faces.
Not sure I'm buying that either.   Just smile--- it will raise your spirits --- and that ought to count for something!!  Make a smile and give it away, they can be contagious.
