
Thursday, December 26, 2013

New Beginings

New Beginings

This time of year is a bitter-sweet time.... Don't you think??
There are so many things I had hoped to get done this year, that are still on my "to do" list; there never seemed to be enough time or money in the same box----and time is going so fast anymore, have your noticed?? Friends and family that moved to heaven, or just moved out of "dropping by" distance.

As I gather up my list for goals of next year, I can reminisce of my grand plans I had for this year.  And happy that I did meet some of my goals, paid off a few bills, there was a broken relationship restored, books that I wanted to read, actually got read, the pond put in my garden.

And now I am planning for next year with hopes and ambitions.  Meeting new people, voluteering at a local animal shelter, helping people with buying/selling/ or renting a home, continuing to plant in my garden are just a few of the things I've got on the list.  

2014~~It's a new begining, forgetting about what didn't happen or even what did and I want to forget, A time to renew my spirit with hopes that the economy will keep improving, and others will be able to move on with their lives also.

I think the country is ready to move on too, it may be just me, but I think that the country has a real resilience for keeping on keeping on.  I am grateful that the short sales are a thing of the past here in Az, altho many other parts of the country are still going thru; and the empty houses are not as common as they were a few years ago.  But I think, hope, that we are wiser and realize that there is no free money, and that it's not the governments job to keep us.  There's nothing like the satifaction of a job well done, something that WE have accomplished.

And so this year is almost over, but I am looking forward to next year.... What are your goals???
(You know, if you don't make any--- you'll hit them every time-- but where's the fun in that???)  


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